The Birth of Anchor Aves

When I arrived to the Grapevine Birthing Center, this Mom was already 8cm! I rushed on over and got there super early in the morning. The Mom was laboring so beautifully, breathing through contractions and just resting in between. Her labor then went on for hours, even though an 8cm dilation would have suggested that wouldn’t happen. But she persevered and stayed true to herself. She got lots of rest here and there, and then took a little castor oil and herbs, and started moving to get the contractions to pick back up. Her water broke suddenly and then we knew baby was coming soon! She hopped back into the tub and breathed her almost 9 pound baby out with her entire family in the room witnessing life’s miracle!

This client chose photo and a cinematic film. Because she coped so well in labor and hardly made noise, her film was created to be much more cinematic styled. She received a total of 261 photos.

Doula Janel Rodgers

Midwife Becky and Kacye

Birth Center Grapevine Birthing Center